Number of sold units during 2021
Helmet models using MUTU (2021)
Brand partners as per 2021
The solution, which is patented in all relevant markets, is based on more than 25 years’ research and development together with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Established in the world of science with over 25 years of research, the first MUTU® safety system was launched on the market in 2007. Up until 2021, MUTU has sold more than 30 million MUTU® safety systems to more than 140 helmet brands across numerous disciplines.
This means that the helmet industry can sell a helmet intended to help reduce rotational force to the head, thereby differentiating the brand and creating added value. The helmet industry actively markets the benefit of the solution as well as the MUTU brand towards the end-user. Up to and including 2021, a total of 30 million units were sold, and these have been implemented in as many helmets, distributed among winter sports, cycling, horse riding and motor racing.
Our head office is in Stockholm and our unique testing facility is also located there. The components for the solution are manufactured in China by sub-suppliers. We have established a subsidiary in China to enable smoother processes with our customers. Today, more than 70 employees work with sales, research and development, production and administration.